relax, we’ve got your pool and spa maintENANCE covered

Weekly Pool maintenance

$85 + chemicals

For $85 per week (plus the cost of chemicals), ensure your pool remains in top condition, so you can enjoy it all season long.

What’s Included:

  • One visit per week
  • Test and balance water chemistry
  • Vacuum pool to remove dirt and debris
  • Empty skimmer and pump basket
  • Skim the surface of pool to remove debris
  • Check and clean filters or backwash when necessary
  • Brush pool waterline as needed

weekly Spa Maintenance

$65 + chemicals

Enjoy peace of mind and a pristine spa every time you step in. Contact us today to schedule your spa maintenance.

What’s Included:

  • One visit per week
  • Test and balance water chemistry
  • Vacuum spa as needed to remove dirt and debris
  • Clean filter when necessary
  • Brush spa waterline as needed
  • Skim the surface to remove debris

weekly pool and spa maintenance

$95 + chemicals

Want to push the easy button? Let us take care of both for $95 per week (plus the cost of chemicals).

What’s Included:

  • One visit per week
  • Test and balance water chemistry
  • Vacuum to remove dirt and debris
  • Empty skimmer and pump baskets for pool
  • Check and clean filters or backwash
  • Skim the surface
  • Brush waterline as needed

Per week cost. It is billed on a monthly basis.